Club Regulations Currently under review



I.        LAWS

The laws of the game of bowls shall be those of the World Bowling Board (WBA and WWBA version)


The Constitution referred to in this document shall be the Constitution.

approved at a Special General Meeting held on June 6 1997 as amended at the Annual General Meetings of l999, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2014, 2017 and 2018.


3          PLAYING HOURS

The greens shall be open from 1 0.00amuntil dusk on weekdays subject to the proviso that bowling shall not commence until the Greens Maintenance Contractors and/or Club working parties have completed their work on and around the greens.

On Sundays, the greens shall be open from 1 0.00am until 7pm

Playing hours are subject to amendment by the Management Committee.

All notices displayed in respect of the use of the greens shall be always adhered to.



A member may introduce a non-member to the Club but is expected not to abuse this concession. The Management Committee may at any time suspend or withdraw this privilege.

A member introducing a visitor is responsible for the conduct of such. visitor. No person may be introduced as a visitor who has been suspended or expelled from membership of the Club.

The following persons or class of persons, not being members of the Club, may be admitted to the Club premises and will be entitled, whilst on the premises, to purchase intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises only, provided always that the person so purchasing is of a legal age to do so:

(a) Any member of a team and any official or supporter of that team fulfilling a fixture with the Windsor Bowling Club at the Club premises (b) Any competitor, official or supporter in any event organized or approved by the Club on the day on which the event is being held.

Any person not falling within the category defined in (a) and (b) above and desiring to purchase intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises may only do so if his/her name has been entered into the Visitors Book and has been introduced by a member of the Club who must first sign the Visitors Book.

5          DRESS CODE


The Dress code will be as prescribed on the Team Selection Sheet or as prescribed by the rules of the competition being played.

(b)      LADIES COMPETITIONS White tops with grey skirt or trousers for all competitions except the Ladies' Spoons Competition when "smart casual” is the dress code.


tailored shorts, collared shirts and socks to be the minimum required dress code.



The men's Selection Committee shall consist of not more than 5 members - the Men’s Captain and Vice-Captain, the "A" Team Captain and two other male voting members  elected at the Annual  General Meeting in accordance  with the Constitution.



(a) The Ladies Bowls Committee shall consist  of no more than  5 members - the Ladies Captain, Vice-captain, Ladies Bowls Secretary  and 3  other lady voting members  elected at the Annual  General Meeting in accordance with the Constitution.  The Ladies Bowls Committee shall be responsible for administering  the Club's commitments with the various Bowling Associations and organizing the Ladies bowls matches (including selection of team members)and competitions, the latter to be done in conjunction  with the Club's  Competitions Secretary.

(b) The Ladies Social Committee  will be responsible for all social activities involving  only the Lady members  of the Club and such other internal club matters  as agreed by the Management  Committee. Membership of this Committee will be the Ladies Captain, Vice-captain and4  lady members elected at the AGM.  The Chair of the Ladies Social Committee  will be elected by the members  of the Committee  to hold office until the next Annual  General Meeting and will ex-officio be a member of the Club Social sub-Committee.

(c) The Ladies Social Committee  shall also be responsible for administering the Bank Account known  as "Windsor  Bowling  Club Ladies Amenity Fund". The authorised signatories  of this account  shall be the Club Treasurer  and two of the members  of the Ladies Social Committee, all cheques drawn on this account to be signed by any two of the authorised  signatories.

(d) A lady voting member  seeking election to the Ladies Bowls Committee  or the Ladies Social Committee may only be nominated  for one of these Committees.


8        ELECTIONS

The men's Vice-Captain, the Captain  and Vice-Captain of the A Team and the Ladies' Vice-Captain shall all be elected in accordance with the requirements  of the Constitution


Any male bowling member will be eligible for nomination and election as the Men's  Team Captain without  having previously served as Men's Team Vice-Captain,  "A" Team Captain or "A" Team Vice-Captain Any male bowling member will be eligible for nomination and election as the Men's Team Vice-Captain without having previously served as either "A" Team Captain or "A" Team Vice-Captain  and any male bowling member will be eligible for nomination  and election as "A" Team Captain without having previously served as "A" Team Vice-Captain.



Any Lady bowling member will be eligible for nomination  and election as the Ladies' Captain without having previously served as Ladies'  Vice• Captain



At the Annual  General Meeting (a) male bowling members  only shall vote for the Men's  Captain, Vice- Captain, Men's  Bowls  Secretary, Captain and Vice- Captain  of the Men's  A Team and members  of the Men's Selection Committee and (b) Lady bowling members only shall vote for the Ladies Captain, Ladies Bowls Secretary, Ladies Vice• Captain and members of the Ladies Bowls Committee  and the Ladies' Social Committee



The Management Committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees or personnel as follows and such others as may be necessary from time to time.


The Finance sub-Committee shall consist of the Club Treasurer  and two Management  Committee members for the purpose of budgeting and controlling the Club's income and expenditure during the financial year. BAR

The Bar Management sub-Committee shall consist of the Club Treasurer, the Bar Manager  and two members, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Management Committee  and shall be responsible  for the purchase and sale of intoxicating liquors, soft drinks and sundries and for determining the price of sales ..


The Greens and Grounds  sub-Committee  shall consist  of members appointed by the Management Committee.  This sub-Committee  shall be responsible for the supervision of the Greens Maintenance  contractor  to ensure that the maintenance of the greens is carried out to a set standard and agreed programme, producing  and updating  a schedule of maintenance work to be undertaken  on the hedges, fences and land surrounding the greens, the cutting of the "Croquet  Lawn" and the organization of volunteers to carry out such work as shall be required to be undertaken


The Premises sub-Committee shall consist  of (Number to be decided by the January  Management  Committee)  members  appointed by the Management Committee.  This Committee  shall be responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, fittings, furniture and security of the Clubhouse and the daily opening  and closing of the Clubhouse.


The Social and Fundraising  sub-Committee shall consist  of (Number to be decided by the January Management Committee) members appointed by the Management Committee. This Committee shall be responsible for organising social and fundraising  events during the year. The Chair of the Ladies Social Committee  shall ex-officio be a member of this Committee. 


The Management  Committee  shall appoint one or more bowling member(s) to be responsible for organising  all Club competitions  and Finals Day.  The Management  Committee  shall be responsible for the procurement of trophies  for Club competitions


The Club Chairman and Treasurer  and two members  shall be elected to promote a fundraising lottery to  be known  as the "One Hundred  Club. Income so raised shall in part be used for the distribution of prize money, the residue being used for such purposes as may be agreed by the Management  Committee.


One member to be appointed for the purposes of organising the provision of food and refreshments  for club and visiting bow ling teams  and other bowling events held at the Club.



Where the numbers of people attending Club functions are constrained by the capacity  of the lounge and/or the catering arrangements, priority in the allocation  and sale of tickets shall be accorded to Club members.



On payment of the subscription for Social membership, new and existing members who have not previously been bowling members  of any Club will be entitled to free coaching and, for a period  of 2 calendar months from the date of payment of subscription  or commencement  of coaching whichever shall be the later, for men, full participation in the men's Monday triples, Alliance Fixtures, Thursday Friendlies and Friday Mixed Spoons and for ladies, participation in the Ladies Spoons  competition  on Wednesdays and Friday Mixed Spoons. If any member decides to convert to full bowling members  during or at the end of the two month  "trial period, they shall only be required to pay  a pro  rata  amount  of the full bowling subscription  for the unexpired  term of the current  Club year which runs from Club Opening Day to the next following Club Opening Day.


(a) Any person  interested in becoming a Bowling member of the Club may use the bowling greens on no more than four occasions during the bowling season without  payment  of Green Fees provided  that  he/she is accompanied  by a Bowling member of the Club.

(b) A former Bowling member who remains a Social member of the Club may use the bowling greens on no more than four occasions during the bowling season on payment  of a Green Fee of £2.00 on each occasion. 

(c) The Management Committee shall make regulations for the use of the greens for all matches, competitions and all other use by Club members.



Club Opening day shall take place on a day to be approved  each year by the Management  Committee



The Club subscription year shall be for a full year from Club Opening Day to the next following Club Opening Day.



Lady members of the Club shall be entitled to attend the Club Lady Captain's Day together with such guests as the Lady Captain of the year shall choose to invite.



Applications for Social Membership of the Club shall be restricted  to the spouse/partner  of existing Bowling or Social members  of the Club



Any contractors engaged to undertake work at the Club must be approved by the Management Committee before the commencement of any work. A minimum of 3 quotations must be obtained for all work estimated to cost in excess of £200



The procurement  of advertising  for the Club Fixture card shall be the responsibility of the Management  Committee


22      TOURS

The Management  Committee will not assume any responsibility or liability for tours  organised by or on behalf of Club members  unless a specific resolution shall have been passed by the Management Committee accepting such responsibility or liability  in advance of any such tours.


23      CO-OPTION

The Management Committee shall be empowered to co-opt not more than three voting members as full voting members  of the Management Committee for a term expiring at the next Annual  General Meeting.

The Men's  Selection Committee,  Ladies Bowls Committee and the Ladies Social Committee may each co-opt not more than 2 bowling members to serve for a period  expiring at the next Annual General Meeting.

The Management Committee  shall have power to appoint  additional members of the Sub-committees  listed in Regulation  12  as may be required from time to time.



The decision whether or not to allow the use of the clubhouse with/without  the use of the bar and kitchen facilities for a function not organised by,  for or on behalf of the Club shall be entirely at the discretion of the Management Committee. The use of the Clubhouse  if so approved  shall be in accordance with Guidelines approved  by the Management Committee from time to time; the Guidelines shall be made available to the organiser of the function who shall be responsible  for ensuring compliance with the terms of the Guidelines.



In the event of a dispute between members or a complaint made by one or more members against another one or more members, the dispute shall be referred to the Club President. If the matter cannot be resolved amicably by discussion the matter shall be referred by the President  to a sub• committee comprising the immediate Past President and  two other past Presidents to be selected by the President.

The sub-committee shall investigate the matter and report its conclusions in writing to the Management Committee who shall determine the matter in dispute. The decision of the Management Committee shall be final.



The Club shall maintain in full force and effect an Equal Opportunity

Policy which shall at all times comply with all legal requirements for the time being in force.



The Management Committee shall have power to amend these Regulations or introduce new Regulations. Any new Regulation or amendment  approved by the Management Committee within the scope of its powers  and any new Regulation or amendment of the existing Regulations passed by the members at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting shall become operative immediately on the passing thereof unless determined otherwise at the time the resolution is passed.



The affairs of the Club in all matters not specified in the Constitution  or these Regulations shall be the responsibility  of the Management Committee.